How this Portfolio was made ? 🏗

March 23, 2020

Credits Spooky Umi

Today I write about the process and people behind this Portfolio ! You're here on one of Gridsome's babies. Gridsome is a static site generator powered by VueJS.

In fact, as VueJS is a framework for JavaScript, Gridsome is also a framework for VueJS. It provides an easy path to build your website as well as some premade projects. I choose Andre Madarang's portfolio and blog starter. A big thanks to Andre's work, by the way !

Then, I created a domain's name and purchased a suffix on Google Domains, and with kissu (my mentor, a huge thanks to him !), we started to design and write the website's sections. Thanks to JAMstack, kissu hosted and customized my site to my liking. We pushed our project on Github, and from the repository, we sent the code to Netlify (yay, CDN !), the platform which allows my portfolio to be online.

I have to admit that this article was a bit rough to write. As I'm a beginner, I'm not completely aware about all the links that rule this system. But I try to understand the interactions and I'll improve in the weeks ahead. 😊

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