My first steps

March 21, 2020


My first week of learning was really rich. First, I followed Grafikart's HTML course : I finished it within 3 days, created my first HTML website, and shared my code to my GitHub's repository. Then, I followed Wes Bos' Markdown course.

Fortunately, I'm not alone in that process, I've a great teacher who guides me through these first steps. He taught me how to use Github's repository, and how to commit and to push my productions through Ubuntu's terminal thanks to "Git" commands.

And because there's no small victories, I feel happy just by mastering more keyboard shortcuts. Thanks to that, I feel really efficient when using my laptop and my apps, as well as I feel even more motivated to continue my "developer training" for the days ahead.

Next steps :

  • Learning CSS
  • Learning JS

Gambatte to me !! 💪