A new adventure with O'clock 🚀

August 24, 2020

A fresh start 🌱

Today was the beginning of a 6 months long journey with O'clock, a remote web development school. I was looking forward to this big liftoff since a few months now !! As you may know, I began learning web development since the 16th of March, after quitting my Speech Therapy school. Since then, my boyfriend (who helped me a lot) and I were searching a bootcamp I could do to gain knowledge and experience. To our point of view, O'clock was way beyond the other bootcamps, and I chose their Fullstack JS course.

O'clock bootcamp ⏰

Lyra JS

I'm just going to talk about the specific bootcamp that I chose, but if you want further informations about O'clock, there you go ! So, our student group is called Lyra, just as the constellation 💫 but also as Lyra Belacqua from His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. This name is perfect, right ? But the most enthusiasting is the program :

The base

  • Season 1 :

    • HTML, CSS, Linux and CLI
    • Collaborating work with Git
  • Season 2 :

    • Javascript : algorithms, functions, variables
  • Season 3 :

    • Node.js : first dynamic website with Express
  • Season 4 :

    • Object Oriented Prog and SQL with a new project
  • Season 5 :

    • Database : NoSQL and MongoDB
    • User Stories, Backlog, Sprint, Wireframes
  • Season 6 :

    • API, AJAX
  • Season 7 :

    • Team project
  • Season 8 :

    • Deploy
    • CMS

The specialization

React or API + Data.

The apotheosis

One month to elaborate a team project and then present it to the O'clock team.
Right after that, we prepare our certificate, and that's it ! We're brand new, fresh and ready-to-go developers 😄

A first day, and many to come

This first day was focused on basic CLI commands, such as cd,ls, mkdir, touch, etc. Then we had a course about markdown (the language I'm currently using to write my blog articles) on VScode. The teachers are great and it is so nice to interact with the entire group. I had such a great time while learning about a subject I love. What else can I ask ? 😄

Well, this article was just a small introduction about a new learning path I embark upon. I'll make an other article right after the bootcamp end, this way I'll share my experience after an intensive 6 months learning journey ! See you ! 👋